Affordable Ways To Rid Your Lawn of Moles
by Reader Contributors

Preventing moles or getting rid of them might be a cheaper option than continually repairing the damage they can cause to your lawn. Try one or more of these methods if you have a mole problem.
We received this question from a reader:
Dear Dollar Stretcher,
Any affordable answers for getting rid of ground moles in the lawn?
Rena in FL
You might think moles are cute little critters, but they can wreak costly havoc on your lawn.
As moles burrow through your yard for food, such as earthworms, grubs, and insects, they uproot grass, leaving uneven patches and ridges. Their burrowing activities can disturb the soil structure, damaging plant roots and reducing the soil’s ability to retain water and nutrients. This can result in stunted growth, yellowing of the grass, and other plant health problems.
Not only can moles leave your lawn looking unsightly, but their tunneling creates a safety hazard in your yard. The softened and uneven soil can cause trips and falls.
So how can you get rid of moles in your yard?
Affordable Methods for Ridding Your Yard of Moles
Preventing moles or getting rid of them might be a cheaper option than continually repairing your damaged lawn. We asked our frugal readers to share how they rid their yards of moles.
Chewing Gum Deters Moles
For moles, we take chewing gum and a stick. We poke a hole in the yard with the stick, drop in a small piece of gum, and cover hole. We have been doing this for years, always works.
Editor’s note: More than one reader swears by this tip. However, we did find many expert sources that dispute the claim that dropping gum, specifically Juicy Fruit gum, into a mole’s tunnel works. The claim is that eating the gum kills the mole, but experts say moles don’t recognize gum as food. That said, it is a cheap enough experiment to try if you are battling a mole problem.
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Rid the Moles of Their Food Source
We had a big problem with moles tunneling all over our lawn. It was suggested to us that the reason the moles were there was because they were after the grubs in the ground. Get rid of the grubs and the moles move on.
Knock Down Their Tunnels
The best way to get rid of moles is to get rid of their favorite foods, including grubs. But I simply knock down their tunnels and thank them for aerating my lawn. Old tunnels can attract moles and mice, which eat grass roots.
Spread Some Milly Spore From the Garden Center
We had a terrible problem with moles, skunks and other digging animals. We researched it and found that by spreading milky spore on the lawn at regular intervals, we could get rid of the grubs that the moles and skunks were after. It may take a couple of years but you should see results after a couple of applications. We got milky spore at the local garden center and used the spreader we used for grass fertilizer.
Castor Oil Pellets Get Rid of Moles
We live in western Oregon where there is a LOT of rain. It is nice soft, moist soil that moles love. I’d had two Dobermans over the years that caught and killed the moles. A rat terrier or other terrier would be a good choice since they were specifically bred for that.
But, I am a dog person – if you are not, try product called Mole Max by Bonide. It is safe around children and pets. It is just pellets soaked in castor oil. Making your own is possible but messy. And the other brands did not work for me. But – you must follow the directions in order to chase the moles out of the yard. I don’t usually endorse brands and go for the cheapest. This is not as expensive as some and it works where the cheaper brands did not. Now I just have to get rid of the elk……
Try Spring-Loaded Mole Traps
We purchased our first home in 1982, and during the following spring, moles invaded our newly refurbished lawn. Several co-workers experienced the same dilemma and offered the following advice. They purchased several spring-loaded mole traps from a local farm store. If you’re unfamiliar with the trap use, ask the store employees for information.
These simple and very effective mechanisms allow the homeowner to quickly eradicate these tiny, destructive invaders. The method to get the best results is quite simple.
- Take note of the pushed up soil along their travel paths.
- Use your foot to depress the soil flat on one or more tunneling paths, marking your effort(s) with a shot of paint from a spray can (cheap paint is the cost-effective mantra).
- Observe the spots over the next two to three days to determine any marked points for the soil to be pushed upward again, readily recognizable via the paint mark. Now, you’ve identified a path used more frequently by the mole(s).
- Place the trap over the spot on the path, cock the spring plate, and wait for the mole to pass under the trigger foot of the trap. Monitor the trap locations for them to be sprung, and voila – a shovel can be used to open the ground after trap removal to find the now deceased animal.
This is a minimal cost, minimal effort to end the infestation. Good “hunting”.
Drop Tomcat Worms Into Mole Tunnels
I use the poison worms you buy in hardware stores or online. I believe that they are called Tomcat worms. I cut them in about a fourth or half inch pieces, use a knife to put a small slit in the run, put the piece of worm down into the tunnel, and stamp it down again. If the run is raised again, repeat.
This always works for me.
Note: Tomcat also makes mole-repellant granules.
Reviewed March 2024
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