About The Dollar Stretcher

Helping you live better…for less

Who We Are

Do you wish you had more money? Or that you could stretch the money you do have even further? Many of us do! That’s what The Dollar Stretcher is all about. Making the most of your money so you can live better…for less.

Since 1996, we’ve been showing thousands of readers how to get the most for their dollars. We can help you too with our personal finance articles and frugal living tips.

How We Can Help You

While all of our articles can help you live better for less, some are more about personal finance topics that can help you gain control of your finances and build wealth. And then we have our frugal living articles that can help you do just about anything for less money, such as remodel your kitchen, take a much needed vacation, or feed your family for less.

Here are just a few of our more popular personal finance articles that can help improve your finances:

And here are some of our most popular frugal living articles:

Are you part of the 50+ crowd? While you will find plenty of ways to save on The Dollar Stretcher, we also have a site called After 50 Finances. Our goal with After50Finances.com is to help you have a comfortable retirement even if you haven’t saved enough.

Our Newsletters

Our newsletters reach over 100k readers each week and we offer something for everyone. And they’re all free.

  • Each weekly issue of The Dollar Stretcher includes links to a variety of articles to help you live better for less.
  • Dollar Stretcher Tips is a twice-weekly newsletter that shares frugal living tips provided by Dollar Stretcher readers.
  • Those part of the 50+ crowd face some unique financial issues. After 50 Finances addresses those issues, including preparing for retirement, caring for elderly parents, stretching dollars in retirement and earning extra money both before and after retirement.

We Can Help You Get Out of Debt

If you really want to improve your finances and live better, it is important to get out of debt. We have dozens of helpful articles on the site specific to paying off debt as well a very affordable 2-book bundle How to Conquer Debt No Matter How Much You Have. No matter whether you choose to buy the book or use the free information on our site, we just hope you choose to get serious about paying off your debt. To gain control of your debt so it can no longer control you or your financial future.

Andrea Norris-McKnight, Editor
andrea (at) thedollarstretcher.com

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