6 Ways to Build a Healthy Relationship With Money

Want a better relationship with money? Treat your finances like you treat yourself. We explore psychologically tested concepts that you can apply to your money relationship (and yourself!).

How to Make ‘Pay Yourself First’ Work for You

Pay yourself first. The concept is very simple, yet many of us find it rather hard to accomplish. But this savings method can actually guarantee savings. Follow these tips to help make ‘pay yourself first’ work for you.

Money-Saving Tactics for Busy People

It is a misconception that saving money has to be time-consuming. Even the busiest of us can find efficient, effective ways to improve the budget with these tips.

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3 Questions to Ask Before Investing to Minimize Costly Mistakes

No investment is without some risk, but you can learn how to minimize costly investing mistakes. Ask these questions before making any investment to help protect your money.

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Get Your Personal Finances In Order One Day at a Time

Stop looking for financial quick fixes. If you really want to improve your finances, read on to find out the importance of building daily habits that can help you get your finances in order one day at a time.

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10 Secrets to Attracting and Saving Money

Are there really secrets to attracting and saving money? Here are some money-attraction facts that you might not know.

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