Cheap and Easy Ways To Protect Your Hands in Winter

Anyone who has lived through a harsh winter knows what it can do to hands. Take these frugal steps to protect your hands this winter.
Many people look forward to the coming of winter as a time of year that brings many enjoyable outdoor activities. Anyone who has ever lived through a harsh winter, however, knows the havoc the season can wreak on our hands. Dropping temperatures and indoor heating both result in drier air.
Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Director of the Johns Hopkins Cosmetic Center, Dr. Rebecca A. Kazin, says, “Keeping warm is a priority, but it sucks the moisture out of your skin.”
Additional factors, such as shoveling snow and scraping ice off of windshields, only add to the problem of dry, cracked skin developing on our hands in winter. This condition is not only unsightly but can also be painful and lead to infection.
There are inexpensive and simple measures you can take to help you keep your hands as youthful-looking and healthy as possible throughout the winter months.
Avoid Hot Showers
Hot showers may sound attractive in the cold winter when you want to warm up, but they strip the skin on your hands of natural moisturizing lipids. Instead, take a shorter, warm shower.
It is also worth noting that alcohol-based cleansers contribute to the problem. There are numerous inexpensive body cleansing products available that will get the job done and actually add moisture to the skin.
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Make it convenient to moisturize often by keeping bottles of lotion in several locations you frequent, such as by your computer, by each sink in your home, and by your bedside.
Also, make it a habit to apply moisturizer after showering or washing your hands.
Remove Dead Skin
Exfoliate at least twice a week to remove dead skin cells that may act as a shield preventing moisturizer from penetrating.
Exfoliating products, such as sugar or salt scrubs, are inexpensive and readily available anywhere soaps and body washes can be found.
Related: DIY Salt Scrubs for Silky Skin
Wear Gloves
Wearing gloves or mittens as you head outdoors during the winter protects your hands from losing precious moisture.
Heated gloves, battery-powered gloves that produce heat, may be a temptation when the cold weather comes, but be aware that they may actually add to the problem and further dry the skin on your hands.
Eat Healthy
Consume plenty of omega-3 fats, which help keep the skin moisturized. Foods rich in these healthy oils include flaxseeds, walnuts, and wild salmon. Eggs and avocados are also good sources of omega-3 fats. Eating dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, or romaine lettuce can contribute to hydrating your skin from the inside out. If you’re strapped for time, grab an omega-3 supplement.
Your body needs plenty of water to stay hydrated. Dr. Sheila Tucker, Administrative Dietitian for Boston College, emphasizes the need for replacing moisture lost due to winter conditions, saying that with “prolonged exposure to heated or recirculated air there is a drying effect to the skin.” Tucker recommends consuming between nine and thirteen cups of water daily, depending on your body weight.
The use of humidifiers is a good technique to keep your hands moisturized during the winter.
During winter, with the heat on and the windows closed, the air inside your home can become very dry, causing itching and irritation to the skin. Use a humidifier to replace moisture in the air. These fairly inexpensive devices can make a huge difference, so consider getting one for each room of the house that you spend a lot of time in. It is important to clean them regularly to avoid bacteria and fungi buildup.
Protection from the Sun
No matter what season it is, the sun is still shining, and you still need sunscreen to protect the skin on your hands against harmful ultraviolet rays.
Try to wear a moisturizer with a minimum of SPF 15 on your hands and all exposed skin throughout the winter. The sunlight-reflecting quality of snow can actually leave you with sunburn, adding to the discomfort of winter hands. Dermatologist Dr. Sandra Eivins says, “With every 1,000 feet in altitude, you will get 10 percent more sun exposure and less atmosphere to filter.”
Following these simple steps can help prevent the common issues wintertime can cause on our hands and allow us to enjoy the winter wonderland.
Reviewed January 2024
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