7 Cost-Free Charitable Giving Ideas That Will Make You a Health Hero

Make the world a healthier place with these cost-free charitable giving ideas that will make you a health-hero to someone in need.
While many of us would love to have large amounts of money for charitable giving, the fact is that most of us don’t. But just because your checkbook cannot cover the cost of adding a new wing to your local hospital doesn’t mean you can’t make a huge impact on the health of others.
The following seven cost-free ideas can make you a health-hero to someone in need:
1. Give Blood
With car accidents, cancer treatments, and birth complications, every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood. And since blood cannot be manufactured, only blood donors can provide this lifesaving product.
According to the American Red Cross, the basic qualifications for donating blood are easy for most adults to meet. You need to weigh at least 110 pounds, be at least 17 years old (16 in some states), and be healthy (feeling well and able to perform regular activities). Donors can give again after 56 days.
2. Donate Your Old Eyeglasses
The price of a pair of glasses exceeds three months’ average salary in some African countries.
Groups such as the Lions Club can recycle a pair of used eyeglasses for as little as 8 cents, yet more than four million pairs of unused eyeglasses go into the garbage in North America each year.
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3. Become an Organ Donor
According to OrganDonor.gov, 17 people die each day waiting for transplants that can’t take place because of the shortage of donated organs.
Acceptable organ donors are those whose brain function has ceased permanently but whose heart and lungs continue to function with help of ventilators. There are currently just under 107,000 on the national transplant waiting list. One donor can save 8 of those lives
Visit OrganDonor.gov to find out more about becoming an organ donor.
4. Learn How to Tell If Someone Is Having a Stroke
For a person having a stroke, every minute without treatment costs the victim about 1.9 million brain cells. But someone suffering a stroke may not be in the position to help himself or herself, whether by denying the symptoms or by being physically or mentally unable to reach a phone to dial 911.
Learning the symptoms of a stroke and how to perform a quick assessment of the potential victim’s condition can give medical personnel the added minutes they need to ensure the best possible outcome.
Visit CDC.gov to learn stroke signs and symptoms.
5. Pass Along “The Drunk Driving Poem”
According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 32 people die each day in drunk driving accidents.
Many people have been sobered by a poem known as “The Drunk Driving Poem,” “Death of an Innocent,” or “Mom.” The author is unknown. E-mail the poem to friends, post it on a bulletin board at work, or ask the editor of your local newspaper to print it, especially during holiday seasons, when drunk-driving accidents are highest.
6. Tell Everyone With a Child to Get Their Car Seat Checked
While about 97% of parents believe they are using their child safety seats correctly, studies show that 8 out of 10 children riding in child car seats are incorrectly buckled in.
Certified car seat inspectors are available in most communities to offer free help, but many people are unaware of their services.
Refer people to the SafeKids.org to find out where to go to get a car seat inspected.
7. Teach Your Children How to Avoid Spreading Germs
The common cold causes American children to miss some 22 million days of school each year. And if that wasn’t enough to worry about, right now we’re dealing with a pandemic.
Instruct your children to cough or sneeze into their elbow rather than their hand (hands touch more surfaces), to wash their hands frequently with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds (the amount of time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice), and to throw used tissues into the garbage can every time they finish blowing their nose.
Reviewed June 2023
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