Easy, Inexpensive DIY Fall Beauty Products

by Chelsea Stefani
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Do you love the aromas fall brings? Whip up these easy, inexpensive DIY fall beauty products. You’ll feel great and smell great for just pennies!

The best part about fall has to be the wonderful aromas of the season. As soon as the end of September creeps into October and then into November, the air fills with hints of cinnamon, pumpkin spice, clove, brown sugar, and many other fragrances. And if you’re anything like me, you love to adorn yourself with various autumn lotions, perfumes, scrubs, and other beauty products. But if you choose to pay for store-bought items, you’re doing some unnecessary spending.

Next time you think of dropping some serious cash on name-brand lotions and body mists, try some of these cheap, easy DIY fall beauty products right in your home.

Pumpkin Pie Body Scrub

Cost: About $2.50 – $3.50 per jar

Nothing screams fall louder than notes of cinnamon blended with clove and pumpkin spice, especially when it’s filling your house by being baked in a decadent pumpkin pie. So, the next time you want to smell like your grandmother’s homemade pumpkin pie, give this easy body scrub a whirl:

1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon and ginger
10 to 15 drops each of clove, nutmeg, and allspice essential oil

Combine all the ingredients above in a container large enough to store them (I like to use a medium glass jar) and mix everything. I store my jar in the bathroom and use it after my regular body wash to exfoliate my skin. Not only does this scrub leave my skin soft and smooth, but it also leaves me smelling delicious.

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Pomander Perfume

Cost: About $3.00 – $4.00 per one-ounce bottle

This is one of my favorite fall smell-good recipes because it’s so easy! I also love it because it reminds me of the classic fall and holiday tradition of spiced pomander balls, whole oranges lined with fresh cloves. I remember pomander balls always being around for my family Thanksgiving celebrations, so this is my go-to perfume for the occasion.

15 to 20 drops each of clove and orange essential oils
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
Vodka, spiced rum, isopropyl alcohol, or a carrier oil

For this recipe, I use a one-ounce, glass roller bottle because it makes the perfume application easy, but you can use what you have on hand. I start with putting my essential oils and vanilla into the bottle. Typically, I top it off with vodka for the base, but I particularly love the use of spiced rum because it adds to the autumn-feel of the perfume. You can also use isopropyl alcohol, or if your skin is delicate, use a gentle carrier oil like almond oil. The last step is to let the blend meld together for 24 to 48 hours. Another aspect I love about this perfume is that I can change it to any scent I want, as long as I have the essential oils.

Autumn Woods Lotion

Cost: About $6.50 – $7.00 per jar

You can’t go wrong smelling like a batch of baked goods during fall, but it’s nice to get down to earth with a woodsy fragrance. When I am in the mood to smell like the forests that are shedding their leaves, I make this lotion:

1 cup of cocoa or Shea butter or beeswax (Shea is the cheapest)
A few tablespoons of coconut, olive, or almond oil
20 drops each of rosemary and thyme essential oils,
10 drops each of frankincense, cedar wood, and fir needle

This recipe is the most involved, but it is still quick and simple. Also, just a little bit goes a long way. I combine all of my ingredients except the essential oils in a large glass jar. I fill a saucepan with water, submerge the jar, and let the ingredients melt together over medium-low heat. When everything is a clear liquid, I can remove the jar from the heat and let it cool for about 30 minutes before adding the essential oils. Once the oils are added, I give the jar a shake and let it cool completely. This is another great recipe to alter, especially if I would rather go with a cinnamon or spiced scent.

I remember the days I’d easily drop $15 or more on fall-themed body mists or lotions. I’d easily rack up bills of $60 or more just by entering one store. However, by investing in a few essential oils and other inexpensive ingredients, I’ve managed to save every season.

Take my advice; ditch those name brands this year and consider those savings an early holiday gift.

Reviewed September 2023

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