Natural Health Remedies That Can Save You Money

For minor health ailments, check the cupboard before heading to the drugstore. And whip up some of these inexpensive natural health remedies instead.

by Victoria Purdie
A table of natural health remedies including honey, lemon, sea salt and avocado

It’s amazing how many everyday products there are in our homes that can help with a range of health problems.

Instead of rushing off to the doctor (unless it’s really serious, of course), check this list of natural health remedies and see what you can find to do the trick. Not only will you save money, but you might find that the natural solution is the best.

Editor’s note: saving money is good, but not at the expense of your health. Do NOT risk your health to save money or attempt any home remedy if it doesn’t appear safe. When it comes to your health, better to be safe than sorry.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Dilute one part to five parts to use as an effective antiseptic wash to heal sores.

For bad wounds, soak a gauze bandage in the solution and leave overnight. (Note: Since this stings, don’t use it on children or infants.)

Burnt Toast

Burnt toast contains charcoal, which is useful in relieving intestinal wind pain.

Fresh Ginger Root

For very tired and aching muscles and joints, grate some fresh Ginger root, then place it in a clean handkerchief or muslin cloth and squeeze out the juice. Add the same amount of vegetable oil and massage into the sore areas until the skin is warm and pink.

Applying before bed will help prevent disturbed sleep.

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Gingernut Biscuits

Because these contain ginger, they are ideal to munch on before or during a long car or boat trip to help prevent nausea. Also good for dogs that get car sick.

If you make your own, add extra Ginger.

Grated Apple

This is said to be great for relieving constipation, nausea and diarrhea.


Grate up a raw potato and apply the juice to soothe sunburn, cysts, inflammation, and swellings.

Cabbage Leaves

To treat sprains and bruises, crush cabbage leaves with a rolling pin or bottle. Put them in position over the affected area and secure them with a bandage. Replace with freshly crushed leaves every two hours and watch the swelling and redness disappear.

Aloe Vera Plants

Snap off a piece of an Aloe Vera plant, open it up and use the gel inside as an effective cooler and healer of nappy rash.

It’s also good for helping to heal wounds, cuts, scrapes, dry skin, sunburn and acne in teenagers. The older outer leaves are the most potent.

Baking Soda

Throw a handful into your bath regularly to help prevent fungal infections. Baking Soda in the bath is also helpful to help ease itchy or hot sunburn, insect bites or hives, as well as chicken pox and measles.

A teaspoon full can be added to a glass of lemonade or warm water and drunk as a quick anti-acid.

Add a small amount to your shampoo and it will help strip your hair of build-up, leaving you with shiny hair.

For smelly shoes, place a teaspoon full inside your shoes and leave overnight. Next morning, shake it out, and the smell should leave with the baking soda.

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Peppermint Essence

This is good for relieving itchy bites in children as it smells better than commercial products, doesn’t sting and really works.

Corn Flour

This is useful for more than just making your own gravies. It is a great cure for diaper rash. Just sprinkle some on, and you should notice an improvement by the next diaper change.


Spread a small amount of honey on a little piece of bread and put ‘honey side down’ onto an infected wound, ulcer or a boil. The honey acts as a drawing ointment helping to clean it out.

Honey is good for your skin (especially your neck area) when it becomes dry. Apply, leave for half an hour, and then rinse off in the shower.

White Vinegar

White Vinegar is another one of those products that has many different uses. One use is helping to heal the pain of a burn. Put some white vinegar liberally on a piece of cotton wool and dab the burnt area. The same can be done for sunburn.

Some vinegar added to a bath with no other oils or bubble bath, can be valuable in providing relief from eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis. To make your hair soft and shiny, add a glass of vinegar to your final hair rinse.

Tea Tree Oil

Add a small amount to your bottle of family conditioner, and this is said to prevent head lice being contacted, as the lice are repelled by it.

Reviewed October 2023

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